Bridge Loan Calculator

A bridge loan is a type of short-term loan that is used to bridge the gap between two financial transactions. It’s typically used by individuals or businesses to cover expenses between the purchase of a new property and the sale of an existing one.

Bridge Loan Calculator

The ideal point to calculate a bridge loan is when you are in need of short-term financing to facilitate the purchase of a new property while waiting for the sale of your current property to close. Here are some scenarios where calculating a bridge loan might be ideal:

How to Calculate it? Read the example & Details after the Calculator.

Bridge Loan Amount = (Purchase Price + Closing Costs + Additional Expenses) – (Down Payment + Funds Available from Sale of Current Property)

By following these steps and accurately estimating expenses and available funds, you can calculate the bridge loan amount needed to facilitate the purchase of a new property while waiting for the sale of your current property.

Bridge Loan Calculator

Bridge Loan Calculator

Bridge loan calculator for new poperty?

Bridge loan Calculator accurately involves determining the total amount needed to cover expenses related to purchasing a new property while waiting for the sale of your current property. Here’s a step-by-step guide to calculating a bridge loan:

  1. Open the Calculator: Go to the webpage where the bridge loan calculator is located.
  2. Enter Purchase Price: In the “Purchase Price of New Property” field, enter the purchase price of the new property you wish to buy. For example, let’s say the purchase price is $300,000.
  3. Enter Down Payment Percentage: In the “Down Payment (as a percentage)” field, enter the percentage of the down payment required for the new property. For example, if the down payment is 20%, enter “20”.
  4. Enter Closing Costs Percentage: In the “Estimated Closing Costs (as a percentage)” field, enter the estimated percentage of closing costs associated with purchasing the new property. For example, if the closing costs are estimated to be 3%, enter “3”.
  5. Enter Existing Equity: In the “Existing Equity in Current Property” field, enter the current equity you have in your current property. This is the market value of your property minus any outstanding mortgage balance. For example, if your current property is valued at $200,000 and you have a remaining mortgage balance of $150,000, your existing equity would be $50,000.
  6. Enter Remaining Mortgage Balance: In the “Remaining Mortgage Balance on Current Property” field, enter the remaining balance on your current property’s mortgage. For example, if you have a remaining mortgage balance of $150,000, enter “150000”.
  7. Click “Calculate Bridge Loan Amount”: After entering all the necessary information, click the “Calculate Bridge Loan Amount” button.
  8. View Results: The calculator will calculate the bridge loan amount needed based on the provided information. The result will be displayed below the form, showing the amount of bridge loan needed to facilitate the purchase of the new property while waiting for the sale of your current property. For example, it might show “Bridge Loan Amount Needed: $120,000”.

If Bridge loan calculator online not working for you Try this mathod:

Bridge loan calculator Second mathod:

Purchase Price of New Property$300,000
Down Payment (as a percentage)20%
Estimated Closing Costs (as a percentage)3%
Existing Equity in Current Property$50,000
Remaining Mortgage Balance on Current Property$150,000

Step 1: Calculate Funds Needed

  • Total Funds Needed = Purchase Price + Closing Costs – Down Payment
    • Total Funds Needed = $300,000 + ($300,000 * 3%) – ($300,000 * 20%) = $300,000 + $9,000 – $60,000 = $249,000

Step 2: Calculate Available Funds

  • Available Funds = Existing Equity – Remaining Mortgage Balance
    • Available Funds = $50,000 – $150,000 = -$100,000 (Note: Negative means insufficient funds)

Step 3: Calculate Bridge Loan Amount

  • Bridge Loan Amount = Total Funds Needed – Available Funds
    • Bridge Loan Amount = $249,000 – (-$100,000) = $349,000 (Since available funds are insufficient, the bridge loan covers the entire amount needed)


  • Bridge Loan Amount Needed: $349,000

This example demonstrates how to use a bridge loan calculator to determine the bridge loan amount needed for purchasing a new property when there’s insufficient equity in the existing property to cover the down payment and closing costs.

Bridge Loan Rate & Commercial Mortgage Loan Provider Rate:

Bridge Loans8% – 12%
Freddie Mac Optigo6.39% – 8.01%
Fannie Mae6.49% – 7.81%
HUD 223(f)6.25% – 7.30%
CMBS6.46% – 7.95%
Regional Banks/Credit Unions6.95% – 10.50%
Life Insurance Companies6.21% – 7.11%
Debt Funds9.07% – 15.32%
HUD 221(d)(4)6.85% – 7.90%
Note: The range of commercial mortgage rates should be considered typical. However, there are outliers on the high and low end of the range. Thus, these figures do not guarantee actual rates on a specific commercial mortgage deal. To see which options you qualify for & get the best deal you can, we recommend contacting a commercial mortgage broker who can help you see what you qualify for.

When we use Bridge loan:

Here’s how it works:

  1. Buying a New Property: When you want to purchase a new property but haven’t yet sold your current one, you may need funds for the down payment, closing costs, and other expenses associated with the new purchase.
  2. Using a Bridge Loan: This loan provides you with temporary financing to cover these expenses. It allows you to make the down payment and cover other costs associated with the new property while you’re waiting for the sale of your current property to finalize.
  3. Repayment: This loans are usually short-term loans, typically lasting for a few months to a year. They are often repaid in full when the sale of the existing property is completed or when longer-term financing becomes available.

Overall, This loans help facilitate smooth transitions in real estate transactions by providing temporary funds to bridge the financial gap between buying a new property and selling an existing one.

How to apply for Bridge loan?

To apply for a bridge loan, you’ll typically follow a process similar to applying for a regular mortgage. Here’s how it generally works:

  1. Evaluate Your Creditworthiness: Lenders will assess your creditworthiness by looking at factors such as your credit score and debt-to-income (DTI) ratio. These factors help them determine your ability to repay the loan.
  2. Determine Loan Amount: Most lenders will allow you to borrow up to a certain percentage of your current home’s equity, often capped at around 80 percent. This means the amount you can borrow will depend on the difference between your home’s current market value and your existing mortgage balance.
  3. Calculate Costs: It’s important to be aware that bridge loans can be costly. In addition to interest charges, you’ll typically need to pay closing costs, which can amount to several thousand dollars. Additionally, lenders may charge an origination fee, typically up to 2 percent of the loan amount.
  4. Gather Documentation: Like with any loan application, you’ll need to provide documentation to support your application. This may include proof of income, bank statements, tax returns, and information about the properties involved in the transaction.
  5. Submit Application: Once you’ve gathered all necessary documentation, you can submit your application to the lender. Be prepared to answer questions about your financial situation and provide any additional information requested by the lender.
  6. Review Loan Terms: After you submit your application, the lender will review your information and determine whether to approve your loan. If approved, they will provide you with the loan terms, including the interest rate, loan amount, and repayment schedule.
  7. Close the Loan: If you agree to the loan terms, you’ll proceed to closing. At closing, you’ll sign the necessary paperwork and pay any closing costs and fees associated with the loan.

Overall, applying for a bridge loan requires careful consideration of your financial situation and an understanding of the costs involved. Be sure to shop around and compare offers from multiple lenders to ensure you’re getting the best deal possible.

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