Does Chat-Gpt4 lose to $20 AI Gemini Advance?

Google announced on Thursday that its Bard chatbot has been rebranded as Gemini, reflecting the new artificial intelligence behind it. The company introduced Gemini Advanced; a subscription service priced at $19.99 per month for U.S. customers. This package includes the more robust Ultra 1.0 AI model and offers two terabytes of cloud storage, valued at $9.99 monthly. Subscribers will also soon have access to Gemini within Gmail and Google’s productivity suite.

Known as the Google One AI Premium plan, this offering is a significant move by Google to compete with Microsoft and its partner OpenAI. It underscores the increasing competition in the market for paid AI subscription services.

Google’s Product Lead, Jack Krawczyk, highlighted that the inclusion of cloud storage and integrations with Gmail and other Google services aligns the subscription with users’ workflow needs. The target audience for Gemini Advanced is individuals seeking powerful generative AI technology capable of producing content and addressing queries without

readily available answers online.

Gemini Advance Service :

To reach a wide user base, Google plans to leverage its extensive Android customer base, allowing Android users to easily access Gemini as their default digital assistant. The company aims to minimize friction in accessing AI by offering various entry points, including an app, the power button, or voice activation with “Hey Google.” Gemini will also be available on the Google iPhone app.

Gemini Advanced is initially available in English across 150 countries, with plans to expand its availability internationally, starting with the Asia-Pacific and Latin America regions. Additional language support for Japanese and Korean will accompany the international rollout. Users can enjoy a two-month free trial of the subscription service.

Regarding the name change, Krawczyk explained that it signifies Google’s evolution in AI, transitioning from the Bard era to the Gemini era.

Is $20 AI Gemini Advance able to defeat Chat-Gpt4?

Pricing at $20 per month, Gemini Advanced AI aims to compete with Chat-GPT4. The battle between these AI models hinges on their capabilities and features rather than just their cost. While Gemini Advanced boasts a powerful Ultra 1.0 AI model and offers two terabytes of cloud storage, Chat-GPT4 may have its own strengths.

Users will likely evaluate factors such as the quality of generated content, the ability to handle complex queries, and integration with popular platforms like Gmail and Microsoft Office. Additionally, performance metrics such as response time and accuracy will influence users’ preferences.

Comparison chart: Chat GPT4 vs. Gemini Advanced

ChatGPT PlusGemini Advanced
Pricing$20 per month$20 per month
AI ModelImpressive GPT-4 modelGoogle’s latest AI model
Beta FeaturesAccess to beta features before wider releaseAccess to new features and Google One subscription benefits
Cloud Storage
Not specified
2 terabytes of cloud storage
Photo Editing
Not specified
Advanced photo editing features like Magic Eraser
Hardware CreditNot specified10% credit back for hardware purchases from Google Store
Platform IntegrationNo specific information providedPlanned integration with Gmail and Google Docs for AI Premium subscribers

While ChatGPT Plus offers access to the GPT-4 model and the opportunity to test beta features, Gemini Advanced provides access to Google’s latest AI model and includes additional benefits such as cloud storage and photo editing features. Gemini Advanced also aims to enhance user experience through planned integration with popular platforms like Gmail and Google Docs. Ultimately, the choice between the two subscriptions depends on individual preferences.

Gemini Advance plan
Credit by Google

How do I access google’s gemini Advance?

Instead of introducing Gemini Advanced as a standalone subscription, Google is integrating it into a new tier within Google One known as “AI Premium.” To access the chatbot, individuals who don’t have a Google account must first create one. For existing Google One subscribers, upgrading to the new plan that includes chatbot access is an option. For a detailed overview of the various tiers within Google One, you can refer to WIRED’s guide.

Once you’ve signed up for the $20 monthly AI Premium plan, which comes with a two-month free trial, you can log in to the Gemini chatbot via your web browser. The option to use Gemini Advanced should become available. Note that with the rebranding from Bard to Gemini, the website URL for accessing the chatbot has changed, so it’s important to update any old browser bookmarks accordingly. Additionally, the new AI model is accessible on your smartphone. You can either download the fresh Gemini app for Android or locate the new chatbot within the standard Google app for iOS devices.

Go >>>Different website URL for Gemini

Go>>>>New Gemini app for Android

Go>>>>Gemini App for ios Device.

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