How to sell a house by owner in virginia

Selling your house by owner, also known as FSBO (For Sale By Owner), can be a rewarding and financially beneficial endeavour, especially in a state like Virginia where real estate markets can be dynamic. By taking control of the process, homeowners can save on agent commissions and have more direct control over negotiations and timelines. If you’re considering selling your house in Virginia on your own, here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the process successfully:

Selling a house by owner in Virginia offers both advantages and disadvantages, depending on your level of experience and comfort with the process.

Predictions for the Virginia housing market in 2024:

Home Sellers Will Return to the Market:

Sellers who remained on the sidelines in 2023 are expected to re-enter the market in 2024. This includes individuals compelled by new job opportunities or seeking more affordable living arrangements. Additionally, it’s forecasted that baby boomers looking to downsize will contribute up to 30 million housing units to the market.

Stabilization of Mortgage Interest Rates:

After reaching a peak of 7.79% in October 2023, mortgage rates experienced a decline to 7.28% in January, attributed to a softening labour market and slowing economy. The prediction suggests that while rates may remain above 6%, they will stabilize by the second half of 2024.

Increase in Home Buyers:

Historically high interest rates deterred buyers in 2023; however, mortgage demand rose following the rate reduction to 7.35% in November. With easing inflation and stabilizing rates, an increase in home buyers is anticipated.

Continued Rise in Home Prices:

Home prices have steadily increased across Virginia’s top metros year-over-year, reaching $397,000 in January 2024. Experts foresee this upward trend continuing until the supply-demand dynamic undergoes a significant change.

Rise in New Home Construction Sales:

In September, 12.3% of homes purchased were new constructions, marking the highest percentage since 2022. Builders offered concessions worth $30,000 in 2023 to attract buyers. It is anticipated that builders and sellers will compete for buyers’ attention in 2024.

iBuyers Making Lowball Offers:

iBuyers, who previously offered 104.1% of market value in 2021, reduced their offers to around 70% in 2023. Facing financial challenges, iBuyers like Open door and Offer pad are expected to continue making lowball offers as they strive to navigate market uncertainties.

Pros and cons


  • Commission Savings: By bypassing a listing agent, sellers can save between 2.5 to 3 percent of the home’s purchase price, as real estate commissions typically range from 5 to 6 percent.
  • Autonomy: FSBO sellers enjoy complete control over decision-making, without external pressure. They can dictate the pace and direction of the sale according to their preferences.
  • Streamlined Process: Without the involvement of a realtor juggling multiple clients, FSBO transactions may proceed more swiftly, minimizing scheduling delays and response times.


  • Lack of Professional Expertise: Real estate agents possess specialized knowledge of local markets, which FSBO sellers must navigate without professional guidance. Determining the home’s value, devising effective marketing strategies, and managing complexities of the process fall solely on the seller.
  • Limited Buyer Pool: Agents actively promote properties they represent, expanding their exposure to potential buyers. FSBO listings may receive less visibility, potentially reducing the number of interested parties.
  • Potential for Lower Profit: Sellers who opt out of using an agent risk undervaluing their property, potentially leaving money on the table. A study by Clever Real Estate in November 2023 found that sellers using agents earned an average of $46,603 more on their sale compared to FSBO sellers.

Mastering FSBO :

Steps to sell your house without relator

Strategize Your Pricing:

  • Research Comparable Properties: Analyze recent sales data of similar homes in your area to determine a competitive listing price.
  • Consider Market Trends: Stay informed about the current state of the real estate market in Virginia to price your home strategically.
  • Factor in Property Features: Assess the unique features and upgrades of your home to justify its value to potential buyers.

Showcase Your Home’s Best Features:

  • Prep Your Property: Make necessary repairs and improvements to enhance your home’s appeal.
  • Stage Effectively: Arrange furniture and décor to highlight your home’s best features and create an inviting atmosphere.
  • Invest in Quality Photography: Hire a professional photographer to capture high-quality images that showcase your home’s beauty.

Craft Compelling Marketing Materials:

  • Write an Engaging Listing Description: Highlight your home’s key attributes, such as its location, size, and amenities, in a captivating listing description.
  • Utilize Multiple Marketing Channels: Leverage online platforms, social media, and traditional marketing methods to reach a wide audience of potential buyers.
  • Create Eye-Catching Visuals: Pair your listing description with professional photographs and virtual tours to attract attention and generate interest.

Maximize Exposure:

  • List on FSBO Websites: Utilize FSBO listing services and websites to showcase your property to potential buyers.
  • Utilize Social Media: Promote your listing on social media platforms to expand its reach and attract a larger audience.
  • Host Open Houses: Schedule open houses to allow prospective buyers to view your home and envision themselves living there.

Handle Showings and Negotiations:

  • Coordinate Showings: Arrange private showings for interested buyers and be available to answer any questions they may have about the property.
  • Negotiate Terms: Negotiate with potential buyers to reach mutually agreeable terms regarding the sale price, contingencies, and closing timeline.
  • Consider Offers Carefully: Evaluate offers from buyers carefully, considering factors such as their financing, contingencies, and earnest money deposit.

Navigate the Closing Process:

  • Draft a Sales Contract: Work with the buyer to draft a comprehensive sales contract that outlines the terms and conditions of the sale.
  • Facilitate Inspections and Appraisals: Coordinate home inspections and appraisals to ensure the property meets the buyer’s expectations and lender requirements.
  • Close the Sale: Complete the necessary paperwork and work with a title company to finalize the sale and transfer ownership of the property to the buyer.

Fulfil Legal Requirements:

  • Provide Seller Disclosures: Fulfil Virginia’s requirements for seller disclosures, including disclosing any known defects or issues with the property.
  • Ensure Legal Compliance: Work with a real estate attorney to ensure compliance with state and local regulations throughout the transaction process.

To sell your house in Virginia, you’ll need

Selling your house in Virginia involves several key steps and considerations to ensure a successful transaction. Here’s what you’ll need to sell your house in Virginia:

1. Clear Understanding of Virginia Real Estate Laws:

Familiarize yourself with Virginia’s real estate laws and regulations, including disclosure requirements, contract laws, and any local ordinances that may affect the sale process.

Virginia Real Estate Laws disclosure requirements :

In accordance with the Virginia Residential Property Disclosure Act, sellers are not mandated to disclose flaws or defects to buyers. However, they are prohibited from providing false information or deliberately concealing any issues. Moreover, sellers are obligated to truthfully respond to any inquiries posed by potential buyers.

For instance, the responsibility for inspecting the property and negotiating repairs typically falls on the buyer before finalizing the purchase. Nevertheless, once a buyer signs a purchase agreement, a home inspection contingency period ensues, during which the buyer must undertake specific actions to gain insights into the property’s condition.

Virginia Real Estate Laws contract laws:

Here are the 4 essential elements of a Virginia real estate contract:

  1. Offer made by the buyer: The contract must include a clear and specific offer made by the buyer to purchase the property.
  2. Acceptance of the offer by the seller: The seller must accept the buyer’s offer in writing or through other legally accepted means for the contract to be valid.
  3. Consideration: Consideration refers to something of value exchanged between the parties, typically the purchase price of the property.
  4. Legal capacity of both parties: Both the buyer and the seller must have the legal capacity to enter into a contract. This means they must be of sound mind and not under any legal incapacity that would prevent them from entering into a binding agreement.

These elements are essential for ensuring that the real estate contract is legally binding and enforceable under the Code of Virginia.

2. Accurate Pricing Strategy:

Research comparable properties (comps) in your area to determine the fair market value of your home.

Here are the Virginia real estate market statistics:

  • Average Home Prices: The average median home price in Virginia stands at $397,000, showing a notable increase of 8.3% year-over-year (YoY). With Virginia’s limited inventory, this trend is expected to continue, leading to a marginal rise in the median sale price throughout 2024. The sale-to-list price ratio currently sits at 98.9%.
  • Home Sales: According to January 2024 data, there’s been a 2.7% YoY decrease in home sales. Specifically, only 5,961 homes were sold in January 2024, down from 6,128 in January 2023.
  • Average Rent Prices: Rental costs vary across the state. For instance, the average tenant in Richmond pays around $1,476, while those in Hampton pay approximately $1,435.
  • Median Days on Market: The median days on the market for homes for sale has decreased by 9 days YoY, currently standing at 41 days.
  • Pending Sales: There has been a 3.5% YoY drop in the number of homes for sale compared to 2023. Presently, there are 21,311 homes for sale in Virginia.
  • Months of Supply: Virginia’s average month of supply is 2 months, indicating a high demand that surpasses the low supply. The scarcity of houses in Virginia is more severe than in the national housing market.

Consider factors such as location, size, condition, and recent sales trends to price your home competitively.

3. Property Preparation:

  • Make any necessary repairs or improvements to enhance the appeal of your home.
  • Declutter, clean, and stage your home to showcase its best features to potential buyers.

4. Compelling Marketing Materials:

  • Craft an engaging listing description that highlights your home’s key features and amenities.
  • Invest in professional photography to capture high-quality images of your home for online and print marketing.

5. Effective Marketing Strategy:

  • Utilize online platforms, social media, and FSBO listing services to market your property to a wide audience.
  • Consider traditional marketing methods such as yard signs, flyers, and open houses to attract local buyers.

6. Showings and Negotiations:

  • Coordinate showings with potential buyers and be prepared to answer questions about your property.
  • Negotiate offers with buyers to reach mutually agreeable terms regarding the sale price, contingencies, and closing timeline.

7. Closing Process:

Draft a comprehensive sales contract outlining the terms and conditions of the sale.Facilitate home inspections, appraisals, and title searches to finalize the sale and transfer ownership of the property to the buyer.

Fulfil Virginia’s requirements for seller disclosures, including providing information about the property’s condition and any known defects.Work with a real estate attorney to ensure legal compliance throughout the transaction process.

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