Reverse mortgage vs Heloc : Which is Best?

Reverse mortgage vs Heloc

In the ground of homeownership, there exists a treasure trove of untapped wealth nestled within the walls of your abode. This hidden gem takes the form of home equity, a valuable asset that can be leveraged to fulfil various financial needs and aspirations. Among the array of tools available for harnessing this equity, two stand out as prominent contenders: Reverse Mortgages and Home Equity Lines of Credit (HELOCs). Let’s embark on a journey to uncover the nuances, benefits, and considerations associated with these distinct yet equally compelling options.

Assuming this scenario for quick comprehension:

ScenarioHELOCReverse Mortgage
Loan AmountUp to $240,000 (80% loan-to-value)Up to $172,000 (57% loan-to-value)
Borrowed Amount$100,000$100,000
Interest RatePrime + 2.00% (Approx. 5.50%)1-year annual LIBOR + 2.75% to 5.1%
Repayment OptionsMonthly payments:Deferred repayment of interest with
– Interest only: $458option for monthly payments towards
– Fully amortized: $614interest only: $425
Rate AdjustmentMonthlyOnce per year
Closing Costs$0.00$0.00


  • Loan Amount: HELOC offers a higher maximum loan amount compared to the Reverse Mortgage.
  • Interest Rate: HELOC’s interest rate is based on Prime + 2.00%, while the Reverse Mortgage’s rate is based on LIBOR + 2.75% to 5.1%.
  • Repayment Options: HELOC requires monthly payments, whereas the Reverse Mortgage allows for deferred interest repayment with optional monthly payments.
  • Rate Adjustment: HELOC’s rate can change monthly, while the Reverse Mortgage’s rate changes annually.
  • Closing Costs: Both scenarios have $0.00 closing costs.

The choice between a HELOC and a Reverse Mortgage depends on factors such as loan amount, interest rate, repayment preferences, rate adjustment frequency, and closing costs. Jack should carefully consider these differences and align his decision with his financial goals and capabilities.

Key Difference of Reverse Mortgage and HELOC

FeatureReverse MortgageHELOC
Eligibility Age62+18+
Monthly PaymentsOptionalRequired
Loan PurposeAccess home equityAccess home equity
Interest RatesFixed or variableVariable
Loan RepaymentUpon moving out, sale, or deathAfter draw period (typically 10 years)
Equity DepletionOptionalYes
Credit LineYesYes

This table provides a comparative overview of key features and differences among Reverse Mortgages, Traditional Mortgages, Home Equity Lines of Credit (HELOCs), and Shared Appreciation mortgages. It outlines eligibility age, monthly payment requirements, loan purposes, interest rates, repayment terms, equity depletion, and credit line availability for each type of mortgage.

Drawbacks of Reverse Mortgages and HELOCs

Drawbacks with HELOCsDrawbacks of Reverse Mortgages
Upfront costs and fees including application, appraisal, title search, and attorney fees.Loan balance increases without interest payments, potentially surpassing home value.
Variable interest rates could lead to increased monthly payments.Origination fees, closing costs, and FHA insurance fees may reduce loan proceeds.
Risk of foreclosure if unable to make payments.Mortgage interest not deductible until reverse mortgage is paid off.
Potential for overspending and loss of financial discipline.Possible impact on Medicaid and Supplemental Security Income eligibility.
Risk of foreclosure for unpaid taxes, HOA fees, insurance, or home maintenance.
Loss of primary residence status if moving to assisted living facility.
Complexity in adding a spouse to the loan after obtaining the reverse mortgage.
A reverse mortgage, tailored for homeowners aged 62 and above, is a tax-free loan rooted in home equity and exclusive to one’s primary residence. Initially, it settles any existing mortgage balance before disbursing the remaining funds to the homeowner. Monthly mortgage payments cease, though obligations like property taxes, insurance, and home upkeep persist.

Repayment is deferred until the home is sold, the primary residence changes, or the homeowner passes away. Upon any of these events, the accumulated balance plus interest becomes payable to the lender.

Mortgages Varieties:(HECM) vs (Non-FHA) vs HELOC

The Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM), the Single-Purpose Reverse Mortgage, and the Proprietary Reverse Mortgage. HECMs, favoured for their flexibility and FHA protections, allow diverse usage of funds and offer options like lump sum payments, monthly instalments, or a line of credit. Additionally, they are nonrecourse loans, ensuring the homeowner’s debt never surpasses the home’s value.

Single-purpose reverse mortgages impose specific usage conditions dictated by the lender, typically for designated purposes like home repairs or tax settlements. Availability varies by locality and offering organizations but generally carries lower costs compared to HECMs.

Proprietary reverse mortgages cater to high-value homes exceeding conforming loan limits. Originating from private lenders, they offer more freedom and fewer regulations compared to other reverse mortgage types.

Compare FeaturesHome Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM)Proprietary Reverse Mortgage (Non-FHA)Traditional HELOC
Borrower Minimum Age625518
Line of Credit TermLifetime10 Years10 Years
May Be FrozenNo*Yes*Yes*
Line of Credit Growth RateFor Life7 YearsNo
$0 Monthly Payment OptionYesYesNo
Income RequirementsLimitedLimitedYes
Credit ScoreAnyAny680+
ReservesAnyAny2-6 Months PITI
Low/No Closing CostsNoYesNo
Fixed Interest RateNoNoNo
Common IndexTreasuryTreasuryPrime Rate

Understanding Reverse Mortgages and HELOCs

Reverse Mortgages: Picture this – you’ve reached the golden age of 82 and are seeking a means to alleviate financial burdens or bolster retirement funds without parting ways with your cherished home. Enter the reverse mortgage, a beacon of financial liberation tailored exclusively for homeowners in their golden years. This unique financial instrument allows you to convert a portion of your home equity into tax-free cash, providing a lifeline of financial flexibility.

Reverse Mortgage Payment Options:

Payment OptionDescription
Cash Lump Sum at ClosingReceive a one-time payment of funds at the loan closing, providing immediate access to cash.
Line of CreditAccess funds on an as-needed basis from a line of credit, offering flexibility in fund utilization.
Term PaymentReceive payments for a set amount and period, providing a steady income stream for a specific duration.
Tenure PaymentReceive guaranteed payments for life, ensuring a consistent income stream as long as you live in your home.
Modified Blended PaymentCombine multiple payment options to meet specific financial needs, offering flexibility and customization.

HELOCs (Home Equity Lines of Credit): Meanwhile, on the other side of the equity spectrum, lies the HELOC, a dynamic and versatile financial tool reminiscent of a magician’s wand. With a HELOC, homeowners gain access to a revolving line of credit, enabling them to tap into their home equity on an as-needed basis. Whether embarking on a home renovation odyssey or navigating unforeseen financial seas, the HELOC stands ready to offer financial support with unparalleled flexibility.

Learn More : How to use a HELOC to Pay Off Your Mortgage

Features and Benefits

Age and Eligibility:

Reverse Mortgage: Reserved exclusively for homeowners aged 62 and above, the reverse mortgage offers a lifeline of financial relief tailored for seniors seeking to unlock their home equity.

HELOC: Age knows no bounds in the realm of HELOCs, offering homeowners of all ages the opportunity to access their equity, provided they meet certain equity and credit requirements.

Disbursement Options:

Reverse Mortgage: From monthly stipends to lump-sum payments or a flexible line of credit, the reverse mortgage empowers homeowners with a plethora of disbursement options to suit their individual needs.

HELOC: With the swipe of a card or the stroke of a check, HELOC holders gain access to their equity on-demand, ensuring financial flexibility in the face of life’s unpredictable twists and turns.

Repayment Structure:

Reverse Mortgage: Embracing a deferred repayment model, the reverse mortgage allows homeowners to defer repayment until they sell their home, move out, or pass away, offering unparalleled peace of mind.

HELOC: Balancing the scales with a more immediate repayment approach, HELOCs require minimum monthly payments during the draw period, with the option for larger payments during the repayment phase.

The Decision-Making Process: Considerations and Comparisons

As with any financial decision, weighing the pros and cons is paramount in selecting the right tool to unlock your home’s equity. Here’s a comparative snapshot to guide your deliberations:

AspectReverse MortgageHELOC (Home Equity Line of Credit)
Age Requirement62 and aboveNo age restrictions
Disbursement OptionsVaried (Monthly payments, lump sum, line of credit)On-demand access to credit
Repayment StructureDeferred until sale of home, move, or deathImmediate minimum payments during draw period
Tax ImplicationsTax-free cashTax-deductible if used for home renovations
FlexibilityOffers financial flexibility and peace of mindProvides on-demand access to equity
RiskLoan balance may increase over timeVariable interest rates pose potential payment changes

Line of Credit Growth Rate:

The growth rate of the line of credit offers a unique advantage, providing borrowers with increased access to funds over time. Let’s explore this growth rate in comparison:

Time PeriodAvailable Line of Credit
10 years$350,000
15 years$500,000
20 years$660,000
If rates increaseAvailable credit may exceed $820,000 after 20 years, depending on interest rate fluctuations.


AspectReverse Mortgage Payment OptionsLine of Credit Growth Rate
FlexibilityOffers various payment options tailored to specific needs and goals.Provides increasing access to funds over time, offering financial security.
CustomizationAllows modification and blending of payment options to meet unique requirements.Offers a predictable growth rate, ensuring availability of funds for future needs.
StabilityProvides steady income through term or tenure payments, ensuring financial security.Offers a reliable source of funding, with the potential for significant growth over time.
RiskBalances risk with available options, allowing borrowers to choose based on individual circumstances.Mitigates risk by providing a growing line of credit, offering a safety net for future financial needs.

Bottom line:

In the grand tapestry of homeownership, reverse mortgages and HELOCs stand as beacons of financial empowerment, offering homeowners the keys to unlock the hidden wealth within their homes. Whether seeking to fund retirement dreams or embark on home improvement ventures, these financial tools pave the way for a brighter, more secure future. So, take heed, dear homeowner, and embark on your journey to unlock the boundless potential of your home’s equity with confidence and clarity.

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